The first sound uttered in the universe was the voice of God commanding, “Let there be!” It is improper to say that this was the first sound “in” the universe because until the sound was made there was no universe for it to be in. God shouted into a void. Perhaps it was a kind of primal scream directed at the empty darkness.
The command created it’s own molecules to carry the sound waves of God’s voice farther and farther into space. Yet sound waves would take too long. The speed of this imperative exceeds the speed of light. As soon as the words left the Creator’s mouth, things began to happen. Where His voice reverberated, stars appeared, glowing in unspeakable brilliance in tempo with the songs of angels. The force of divine energy splattered against the sky like a kaleidoscope of color hurled from the palette of a powerful artist. Comets crisscrossed the sky with flashing tails like Fourth of July skyrockets.
The act of creation was the first event in history. It was also the most dazzling. The Supreme Architect gazed at His complex blue-print and shouted commands for the boundaries of the world to be set.

~ R. C. Sproul from his book The Holiness of God

Quote 3: R. C. Sproul

Christianity, Quotes

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